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Bill de Blasio is making people angry because of his pizza toppings ranking

Bill de Blasio is making people angry because of his pizza toppings ranking
Members Public

What else is new? People are upset with something Bill de Blasio said.

The French President was slapped during his regional tour of southeast France

The French President was slapped during his regional tour of southeast France
Members Public

The French president was slapped during a public appearance.

Mayweather vs Paul wasn't bad for boxing

Mayweather vs Paul wasn't bad for boxing
Members Public

The public has derided Floyd Mayweather and the sport of boxing after the exhibition match with Logan Paul, wrongfully so.

Shawn Craymen
Logan Paul's Charizard card is worth around $1 million

Logan Paul's Charizard card is worth around $1 million
Members Public

People are talking about how much Logan Paul's Charizard chain is worth.

Floyd Mayweather vs Logan Paul Preview

Floyd Mayweather vs Logan Paul Preview
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Breaking down the official rules for Mayweather vs Paul.

Shawn Craymen
Artist sells invisible sculpture for over $18,000

Artist sells invisible sculpture for over $18,000
Members Public

Yes, you read that right. An Italian artist sells an invisible sculpture for $18,000.

Woman protects dogs from bear and becomes internet hero

Woman protects dogs from bear and becomes internet hero
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Would you fight a bear to save your dogs?

Fans are back and are already doing dumb shit

Fans are back and are already doing dumb shit
Members Public

Fans are back in the building doing dumb shit again.

Stephen A. Bayless