Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Again, Incels Demand Justice

The highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed again. It was initially slated for an April 2020 release, however, after multiple delays it was supposed to be released mid-November. Unfortunately, it was just pushed back from November to December 10th. While this was only a 3-week delay to ensure continuity between all nine versions of the game, the internet has responded like a bunch of rabies-infected chimps. Video game developers are already known as one of the most over-worked professions, but now they have to deal with incels hurling death threats online.

CD Projekt Red is developing the game, known mainly for its series The Witcher. While the original story came from a book, they turned it into one of the greatest game series of all time, with The Witcher 3 constantly ranked as a top game on all lists. The level of detail and care that went into The Witcher series has given people hope that Cyberpunk 2077 will be the same caliber of game. With its trailers flaunting a unique world design and concept, the hype has been unimaginable. Mix in the fact that internet meme-lord Keanu Reeves is a character and you can see why people are going insane.

The hype for this game has been palpable ever since its first teaser trailer. The initial reveal caught my eye, so I have avoided all coverage of it. Every time I get too excited for a game by reading every new update, I’m let down because my expectations have grown to unfathomable heights. (Thanks LoU2) That’s why this delay didn’t affect me whatsoever. If you’re the type of person to hop on Twitter and send death threats to a stranger working on this game, you need to take a step back. Really ask yourself why you're doing this. Why does this game coming out three weeks later have such an impact on your life? Why do you feel the need to antagonize strangers over the internet when in reality you can barely muster a “thank you” to cashiers?

I’d rather have a delayed game than a game filled with bugs and glitches. It isn’t easy to let down fans after spending years of your life working on a project. I hope everything gets smoothed out and we are playing this game before the new year, and if we aren't, who really cares as long as the final product is as promised. To all those who slander people online, go outside and walk around your block, the fresh air will probably be good for you.