NYC Shake Shack locations will offer free fries if you show your vaccination card

What's the best way to incentivize Americans to get the COVID vaccine? Offer free crinkle-cut french fries.

During his briefing, Bill de Blasio announced NYC Shake Shacks will add free french fries to your meal if you're vaccinated. New York has done multiple things for people to get the vaccine. Cuomo offered free Mets and Yankees tickets for anyone who gets vaccinated at the stadium before a game. New York is clearly desperate for people to get vaccinated so they can get the economy back up and running.

We've seen companies get involved to encourage people to get vaccinated. Krispy Kreme is offering free donuts for whoever got vaccinated.

When other countries are struggling to get their hands on the vaccine, the government is begging Americans to get it by offering free food. Is there anything more American than offering up carbs and calories to get vaccinated?

What's next? Free Big-Macs from McDonald's? Slurpees from 7/11? How about a free taco from Taco Bell? If major food corporations keep on offering free food, America will be fully vaccinated in no time.