Nike Releases Red Sox 'City Connect' Uniforms

Nike has become the official uniform provider for every big four sports league other than the NHL. We've seen Nike put out different alternate uniforms for different teams across the leagues.

Every team in the NBA has a "city uniform". Most of them look like they were designed by a guy that's tripping on acid, but they all have their unique twist.

Nike also rolled out color rush uniforms in the NFL.

Who thought spicy brown mustard is a good look on a uniform?

With Nike now partnering with the MLB, they started to release alternate uniforms.

My first thought was the hat looks like UCLA's baseball logo.

Now, people are going to hate this at first. People watching baseball are going to be disgusted to see the Boston Red Sox rock a blue and gold uniform. I don't like the uniform personally, but it obviously has a lot of meaning to it. It's hard to hate a uniform that honors the heroes and victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. If you can't appreciate that, you're just a flat-out asshole.

I'm interested to see where Nike goes for the other teams. People may hate this idea for baseball because of the traditions and all that bullshit. For me, I want to see baseball grow their younger fanbase. Why not put a bunch of bright, colorful uniforms out there to get Gen Z involved. Let's stop gatekeeping the sport.