Meyers Leonard Will Be Away From The Heat Indefinitely After Using Anti-Semitic Word on Livestream

I'm surprised more athletes don't say stupid shit on livestreams. There's nothing that makes you say stupid things and get irrationally angry more than video games. We've all been there before. Maybe not to the extent of screaming anti-Semitic slurs, but we've all trash-talked our opponents when we lose.

What makes it even worse is he hesitated. It was almost like he knew he shouldn't say it but did it anyway. Also not a good look when you bleach your hair.

Of course, he came out with an apology.

Dude, you don't know what the K-word means? You're a grown-ass adult. The way he said it makes me think he's thrown that word out before. The Heat released their statement saying Leonard will be away from the team.

It will be interesting to see how his career plays out. He's a career backup center, so the Heat and other teams might tell him to kick rocks.