Matthew McConaughey Considers Running For Gov. of Texas

Matthew McConaughey has said a total of five sentences about his political career, and yet he is somehow a better politician than those who have dedicated their lives to it. McConaughey is a Texas man, through and through, so it’s not really too much of a shock that he has hinted at a run to become the governor of the great state. While never explicitly saying he would run, he never said he wouldn’t, which sounds an awful lot like everything Trump said in the 90s and early 2000s.

I’m sure many of you are wondering about qualifications, which is fair. First off, he’s a certified hardass. Secondly, he’s not a complete moron. While neither of these is impressive, they are rare in the US government, so maybe we should give him a shot. If you are assuming there are better candidates in Texas than an actor, I’d like to present to you, Sheila Jackson Lee.

Sheila Jackson Lee has been the representative of Texas’ 18th district since 1995. She is on record not knowing the difference between the moon and mars, she thought there were two Vietnams, she believes hurricanes are racist because they all have, in her words, “white names”, and has the highest turnover of any representative in Congress. So if this is what Texas considers a satisfactory representative, maybe it is McConaughey’s time.

"The far left doesn't seem to want to ever be able to admit the evil that mankind can posses, and the far right doesn't want to think past tomorrow. I want to propose meeting in the middle as a dare. I dare you to meet in the middle, instead of like, 'Oh, that's a place of great compromise.'"

If there is one thing Dem's and Rep. can agree on, it’s that outsiders will ruin the very profitable system they have created over the last few decades. I hope Matthew wins and decides to be an honest, compromising politician that argues for logic instead of political affiliation. While the fact that we have to hope actors get into politics is sad, it is encouraging to see people who genuinely care about the greater good step up.