Is Modeling the Next Career Path for Peyton Manning?

How is it possible that Peyton Manning looks like more of an athlete when he's retired?

Peyton always looked a little doughy under the uniform. The Manning reputation is to be amongst the greatest of our species at throwing a football all while rocking a dad bod.

2x Super Bowl MVP, Eli Manning

Is it time for Peyton to ditch Nationwide for Calvin Klein? Before he makes that jump, we need to look into their forehead policy. A little bit of Facetune goes a long way.

Alleged HGH User

I hope he makes the move to modeling because I despise his commercials. That one SNL skit tricked everyone into thinking he was funny.

When you have the best comedic minds in the world write up a skit for you, you're guaranteed to be funny!

If I were Peyton, I would show off that body more often. The Manning name is known for goofy, pudgy football players. Not only would they be the first family of football, but they would also be sex icons. Now that's American royalty.

With social media becoming more powerful by the day, his kids have a better chance of becoming TikTokers than professional athletes. Maybe Peyton is playing 3D chess and setting up the Manning's to be the most popular social media influencers on the internet. We'll follow up when Eli comes out with boulder shoulders, bubble biceps, and an eight pack.