Houston Sports Is Close to Hitting Rock Bottom

The year is 2017. The Houston Astros are World Series champions, the Houston Rockets lost in a heartbreaking game seven in the Western Conference Finals, and the Texans finally found their franchise QB. There's no better place to be in the sports universe.

Yikes. How much can change in a little over three years? Well, you know it's really bad when JJ Watt, the biggest superstar in Houston the last 10 years, asks to get released. I mean, this is a guy I thought would be a lifelong Texan. He raised $41.6 MILLION for the city of Houston when Hurricane Harvey hit. But as the season went on, the writing was on the wall.

It's going to get worse for Texans fans. Somehow, someway, Cal McNair lets this guy ruin his franchise.


Seriously. Why is a pastor running your professional football team? He even looks like a villain from a movie. When every good player on your team wants out, it's time to evaluate your decision-makers. Since Cal McNair's brain is full of rocks, he'll keep the bald pastor over his young, stallion, franchise QB.

When the Astros won the World Series in 2017, I'm sure Altuve and Bregman thought they were about to dominate baseball for the next decade. I mean, can't blame them! They knew what pitch was coming and their roster was stacked. Little did they know their small empire would crumble down when Jomboy completely exposed them. Seriously though, if Jomboy never released this video, maybe the Astros would've gotten away with it.

Everything seemed to go off the rails after this video was posted. To be fair, the Astros did make the ALCS last season. Since it was a fake season, I'm not going to give them credit for it though. It's going to be interesting to see how they bounce back. With many pieces from the 2017 World Series team gone, we may see a rebuild coming sooner rather than later.

Lastly, we got the Houston Rockets. Unfortunately for the Rockets, their championship window overlapped with the greatest team ever assembled. They came close a few times, especially in 2017. They never got the job done because the Warriors were that much better.

The way James Harden treated the Rockets on his way out was super scummy. But hey, he got what he wanted right? I actually think the Rockets are going to be OK. Although the Rockets are going to wait a few years for those Nets picks to turn into lottery picks, it's never a bad thing to have too many picks. They have control of the Nets' draft picks for the next SEVEN years. With KD and Harden being in their thirties and both becoming free agents in two years, those picks could become lottery picks in three years. Unlike some of the other teams in Houston, at least there's some light at the end of the tunnel.

So my final grades for each team's future:

Rockets: Fucked with a glimmer of hope

Astros: Fucked.