Doggface is the Best Thing to Happen in 2020

I love everything about this story. Social media in 2020 has become toxic black hole that splits the country in half. Mask or no mask, liberals vs. conservatives, COVID hoax crowds, and onward. Why can't we just get wholesome content like this?

If you don't know the story, 420Doggface208 posted a Tik Tok of him chugging cranberry juice while riding a skateboard and blasting Dreams by Fleetwood Mac after his car broke down. Obviously the video became super viral and his life changed for the better.

The story took a crazy turn when Mick Fleetwood created a Tik Tok posted a video of himself doing the same exact thing.

How powerful is social media? Dreams was released in 1977 and now every basic white girl discovered that Fleetwood Mac is the ultimate fall vibes band.

Of course the main beneficiary of all this is Ocean Spray. According to numerous reports, sales has been through the roof since the video went viral. To thank Doggface for putting Ocean Spray on his back, they surprised him with a new truck filled with enough cranberry juice to feed an Ethiopian village.

So please social media, enough with senior citizens arguing with each other to win an election or trying to cancel everyone. Please give me more content like Doggface.