CD Projekt Gets Hacked, Refuses To Pay Ransom

In case your disappointment of waiting seven years since the initial teaser trailer only to pay $60 for an unfinished, buggy game wasn’t enough, your personal data may be at risk as well. A cyber attack compromised some of CD PROJEKT capital group’s internal systems, gaining access to documents related to accounting, administration, HR, legal, investor relations, and more. An unidentified actor shared a ransom note with CD Projekt, to which they responded in a tweet:

Yes, the hacker actually said “Your have been EPICALLY pwned!!” I can only imagine what this neckbeard looks like.


To the best of their knowledge, no personal information has been compromised. And by the looks of it, this was solely an attack on CD Projekt (probably due to the outrage of Cyberpunk 2077).

The hacker threatened to sell or leak the stolen documents if CD Projekt doesn’t come to an agreement. CD Projekt refuses to negotiate, which means things could get interesting soon.

Moral of the story: don’t hype up unfinished garbage and sell it for $60.